Mélissa Theuriau fête ses 45 ans : elle raconte sa folle rencontre avec Jamel Debbouze

18 juillet 2023 - Under the French summer sky, humorist Jamel Debbouze sat down with actress Melissa Theuriau; their conversation became deeper and deeper, soon the meaning of words abandoned her mind as tears welled up under the starlit sky like a gentle rain Rencontres avec femmes de plus de 45 ans. They spoke of love, of the love for oneself, and the desire to speak beyond words. Jamel told her that being a person who writes many sentences simply knowing the Earth is not pointless. Just living is amazing, being loved is a gift. Living together, sharing the silences - that's happiness. A memorable connection, on different levels, unpredictable, so true, so deep…..
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